Kenzo Tange Letters

When commissioned by George Braziller to write Kenzo Tange in 1961, Boyd had few connections in Japan - he was recommended to Braziller by Walter Gropius, but had never visited the country and had no pre-existing relationship with Tange. Boyd’s crash course in Japanese culture, architecture and urbanism was aided by an introduction from his friend Denis Warner, a foreign correspondent who lived and worked in Tokyo for many years. His flying visit in August 1961 was targeted towards highlights of Kenzo Tange’s built work, including stopovers in Hiroshima, Shizuoka and Kurashiki. While Boyd struggled at first to gain Tange’s co-operation, he quickly won the architect over in-person - the start of a lasting and warm correspondence. Tange was pleased by Boyd’s glowing appraisal of his work and design philosophy, and the two would meet again on Boyd’s next visit in 1965.